Little Letters

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Handwriting Screening Tool

I don’t know about you, but I am constantly on the hunt for easy & comprehensive screening tools to use during observations, annual reviews, and to assist in general progress monitoring. This year I was specifically hoping to kick off the school year with a handwriting screening tool that could help me to gather some baseline data, and would give me a good kicking off point for session planning.

After hours of web searching …. I found nothing.

That’s not entirely true. There were a lot of screening tools out there, but none were quite what I was looking for. SO - I decided I would just make my own!

I decided to make 2 versions of this screener to use based on student needs.

Version 1 - Comprehensive
This version of the screening tool has space to take more detailed notes of handwriting skills. There is a spot to measure formation, sizing, orientation, and placement of all capital & lowercase letters. This was created with the intention of being used with older students who may be working towards fine tuning their handwriting skills vs. learning to write letters.

Version 2 - Simple
This version of the screening tool only measures 1 component of handwriting skills (as designated by whoever is filling out the form). For example, you could use this form to monitor placement, formation, sizing, or orientation of letters. This form allows for data tracking across 4 different dates to monitor progress and growth.

You can grab a free copy of my handwriting screener by subscribing to my blog below!

See this form in the original post